Most people never get around to making decisions about how they want to be cared for late in life, and once you’re there, it’s too late. Loved ones have to stand in to make decisions on your behalf, and while they usually want to do what is in your best interest, sometimes they just don’t know what that would mean for you.
This is your opportunity to make the responsible choice of Thinking Ahead.
Thinking Ahead is a free online guide to putting your affairs in order in six short weeks with an annual reminder email called your Planniversary to help you keep those plans updated. We don’t just focus on cremation in this series, although we do go over it. Wills, late-life health, funerals, burial services, and so much more are covered in nine emails over six weeks. Each week you will receive one email containing an overview of the goal of that week. From that email you can find a summary of what each day’s goals are and a link to this website where you can find more information.
From the website you can
- download and print checklists
- read more about each day’s tasks
- skip ahead (or behind) to keep yourself on track.
Don’t worry if you have no idea where to start. We guide you through every step from finding and organizing important documents to deciding how you want your loved ones to remember you and letting them know your plans.
This is not a preplanned cremation service with Cremation Society of Pennsylvania. If you wish to plan a cremation service for yourself or a loved one, please contact us directly, and a representative will be in touch with you momentarily.
We will only use the information you provide us for Thinking Ahead and your Planniversary. You will not be added to any other database or mailing lists. If you wish to unsubscribe at any point, you can easily do so at any time through a link at the bottom of each email.
To sign up for Thinking Ahead and to start planning for your future, complete the form on the right. You should then receive a welcome email and then the first week’s information. From there, it’s six weeks of planning and you will be able to say that you really do have everything taken care of.
Talk About It
Cremation Society of Pennsylvania also believes it’s important to include loved ones and family in conversations about end of life services, so each week we include a “Talk About It” section. This section will suggest a few things to speak to loved ones about as you’re going through the planning process. This prevents you from making your plan in a vacuum and not letting loved ones know your plans or help you through the planning process.